Seed Capital Credit Limited Tanzania is a registered limited liability company incorporated in Tanzania under the companies’ ordinance (cap 212). The company is based in Dar es Salaam, its main businesses is micro finance services, extending micro credit to individuals, groups and SMEs. Other services are agency for insurance as our company is registered with Tanzania Insurance Regulatory Authority (TIRA) working under Alliance insurance corporation Limited. We also have experienced professionals who provide the service of General business consultancy specifically in the areas of Taxation, Finance, Compliance, Management and Accounts.
The company recognise well the big role being played by micro finance institutions and its impact in the economic growth of our developing economy. The Tanzania economy is characterised by micro businesses or SMEs and most of them being informal businesses which cannot easily access credit from traditional financial systems like commercial banks.
The company was incorporated by end of year 2014 and started micro lending businesses in 2015 by giving soft loan to our insurance client who couldn’t afford to pay upfront insurance premium. After two years of successful trial in lending to our client in insurance product, the management decided to launch Micro lending business and was fully registered to carry the Lending business by Ministry of Trade and Business early 2017.
Due to our experience and knowledge, most of the quality customers are in need of affordable, reliable, sufficient and quick services with less paper work and unnecessary processes. Our client appreciates integrity, openness, simplified processes and respect. We have always strived to make our processes friendlier and cost effective to our customers. We feel customers are why we survive and that our success depends entirely on them and thus they are part of our company.
Our vision is to become a lead micro finance service company providing top quality financial services that unlocks economic potentials within the marginalised groups. We deliver this by constantly building our skills set and knowledge to meet the growing and diverse demand for our services/products. Sustaining our reputation as a reliable, customer-oriented, dynamic player in the market. Achieving profitable growth, operational and organizational excellence without compromising our core values and business ethics;
The board of director consist of three professional individuals with diverse knowledge, experience and skills to run the company. All directors are also shareholders of the company. The current directors are Mr. Jamil A. Mwalupindi, Ms. Marth S. Hango and Mr. Fidelis D. Luteganya. The board resolved to hold normal regular meetings every quarter to discuss strategic issues related to the company and provide directions for the businesses.
The current SFS management is headed by Mr. Jamil A. Mwalupindi as a full time CEO. He is responsible with day to day management of the business, which include approvals and implementation of the SFS business strategies. Mr. Mwalupindi has over Fifteen (15) years of experience in Finance and Accounting practice and for the past 10 years he was the Finance Manager for Prime Fuel Tanzania Limited responsible for financial matters for the company.
Mr. Mwalupindi also has been the founder and chairperson for Prime fuel saving and credit cooperative society Limited for Eight (8) years. This SACCOSS has about 400 active members and capital of about TZS 900mil. Mr Mwalupindi is also chairperson for Finance and Planning Committee, Chairperson of Project and Development committee for Tanzania Assemblies of God (TAG) Ubungo Christian Centre (UCC).
Mr. Mwalupindi is holder of Master of Science in Finance and Investment (Msc. Finance & Investment) from Coventry University (CU), is also Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and graduate with a degree in Accounting from University of Dar es salaam (UD) in 2007.
Ms. Martha Hango hold the position of operations Director, responsible for day to day operations of the company including loan assessment and appraisals. She is also responsible with close supervision of field and office staff to make sure daily business activities are carried out and customers are being properly served. Ms. Marth is also responsible with loan repayment, in collaboration with other staff. Ms. Martha hold a Diploma in insurance from Institute of Finance and Management (IFM) and she also hold a certificate in Administration from VETA.
Mr. Elias is a young and focused high flier with an eye on the future. He holds a diploma certificate in insurance and risk management from the institute of finance management and has 3 years’ experience working in insurance industry and 2 years in micro finance institutions.
An all-rounder, ELIAS has the focused zeal and steady growth with wide exposure in Motor insurance, and General business underwriting. He is General manager seedcapital credit ltd.